Things We Love: 10/17/09

1. This profile and interview with Fernando Llanos


This week, “We Make Money Not Art” has a profile of and interview with Fernando Llanos. I didn’t really know anything about him before reading this, and I’ve never seen his installations, but it was both fascinating and inspiring to hear about him.

Check it out:

2. Newsweek Interview with Maurice Sendak, Spike Jonze, and Dave Eggers.


Great interview. I’d never actually read any interviews with Sendak before, so this was a treat. Good stuff.

Check it out:

3. ‘Suicide’ live on WFMU


Apparently, earlier in 2009, legendary NYC electro duo, Suicide, got back together. I hope it wasn’t just a one-time thing. Either way, now it’s on the internet for everyone to hear. They’ve actually only put up two songs…but still it’s very rad.

Check it out:

OK, that’s it for now. There will be more of these posts soon. I promise.

Yours truly,

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